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5th Bi-annual Chicago-Midwest ICAA Design Competition

The Chicago-Midwest Chapter of the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art is pleased to announce the 5th Bi-annual Chicago-Midwest ICAA Design Competition which is open to all architects, landscape architects, artisans and students. Competition will be judged “blind” and entries may be submitted by individuals or teams of any number. Participants will have 3 months to conceive and illustrate designs for architecture, landscape architecture and art within the project boundaries indicated in the site map.

The Historic Pullman District was originally a planned town for the Pullman Company that manufactured sleeper cars during the height of the railroad industry. In fact, Pullman was America’s first planned model industrial community and is considered to be a prime example of urban planning. This model industrial town has a unique architectural character that is defined in part by brick formed with clay from the adjacent Lake Calumet. Today, Pullman is undergoing preservation, rehabilitation, and revitalization efforts as a designated Chicago Landmark and a National Historic Park.  This competition is a hypothetical situation where entrants will reimagine (1) of 2 sites: Site 1 is the site of the existing Community Center and Site 2 is the historic Market Square.

A diverse jury of local business and design leaders will select two winners from the submitted entries with no knowledge of authorship. Winners will be announced at the Acanthus Awards ceremony, which will be held October 2024.

(2) Prizes in total will be awarded as follows: First Place: $10,000; Second Place: $3,000. Prizes are not site specific and are issued per overall merit. Winning entries will also be printed as 24x36 posters for display at future Chicago ICAA sponsored events, including the Acanthus Awards. All entries will be displayed digitally on the ICAA Chicago-Midwest website.

This is presented as part of the Richard H. Driehaus Curricula for the Built Environment at the Institute of Classical Architecture & Art.  The ICAA is very grateful to the Richard H. Driehaus Foundation for its generous support of this program.

September 9th - Submissions Due
September 27th - Jury Convenes

August 24

Summer Sketching Series with Lisa Wronski

September 15

Luminarts Fellowship - Winners Announced